Friday, August 12, 2011

Last Full Day

Today we started in the Alps and then we drove to ljubljana then we went to the market in ljubljana and got raspberries and peaches and then we got Ben a jersey and then we got more raspberries. Then we started walking around the stores and there was a dog shop and there was this water bowl for dogs with a dog inside and he was very cute. And then we went to our hotel and we watched some tv and mommy packed for tomorrow. Then we went downstairs and played cards and then for dinner which was delicious. We had pasta, pizza and fish. 
Good night. 


  1. Travel safe. Cant wait to see you all and hear all your news. Much love, hugs and XXXXXXs

  2. Pasta, pizza and fish! Holy mackeral, who ate the fish. I'll bet it wasn't you.

    Please stop blogging. I'm warn out.
    Bogislaw, Murray and Vladimar have all left the house. I think they enjoyed your trip as much as Grandma and I. It's been a long time since anyone remembered them, much less asked their opinion.

  3. Not a bad final day!!!!!! Raspberries, peaches and more raspberries, then pasta, pizza and fish. What a delicious day!!!!!!!! Are you gonna have ice cream for breakfast? I would have loved the pet store and the adorable dog. Can't help it! I love puppy dogs. I'll bet you're gonna get some kind of wonderful welcome from your puppy dog. I'm guessing Grandpa David will be so UNHAPPY to turn Sally over to her rightful family. I'm sure they bonded quite a bit while you were gone. Well, we're gonna see you in less than two days. It's been quite a trip, for all of us who were able to share it with you via your blogs. We thank you and your brother for "taking us along". We love you and can't wait to give you a real hug. Travel safely. xoxoxoxo
