Wednesday, July 20, 2011

''So exciting''

This morning I did not not want to go to camp, and at camp, I made a mobile, and I also made beads. I put beads on my mobile.Today, I am going to Jerusalem. We are going to go to the shuk period.


  1. Sounds like a good thing you went to camp today... a lot of fun.
    Enjoy Jerusalem.

  2. Sarah . . . I'm not sure I have anything left to say to you. I used up most of my wit on your brother. In Jerusalem, if you go to the Kotel ( the Wall) and are looking for something to put in a note, you might consider "Help, the world is in Big trouble." I will probably get in big trouble for that one. Remind your mom that her father has a family in Jerusalem that should be visited. Have a great time and know that we love you to pieces!!! Even your water logged airhead brother.

  3. I'll bet the beaded mobile is fantastic. See, sometimes we get to make "lemonade out or lemons." It's so nice when something nice happens when we don't expect it. Enjoy Jerusalem. Gail and Barry told us that Noa (their daughter) and Ariel (Noa's husband) have an apartment in the shuk. Maybe you can see it. Gail said it is VERY VERY small, but they love it. It's still really really hot here. I think it's even hotter here than in Israel. Can you believe that?????? Please send our love to everyone. And give yourself an extra BIG HUG from us to you.
