Monday, July 18, 2011


Today I lost a tooth!!! I lost my tooth in the car, and it was hanging by a thread and then I started wiggleling it with my tounge, and then, it just fell out!!! It was the tooth on the right side of my big teeth in the middle of my mouth.And, me and our frinends went to the swimming pool and then had dinner. Then we went to the artist colony, where my mom got a painting of a tree.


  1. The Toothless Wonder returns!
    Keep smiling then everyone can see.

  2. Did the tooth fairly find you in Israel???? Tell Mom to e-mail of photo of your beautiful smile!!!!!! Did you like the art in the artist colony? I remember going to that city with Elaine a few years ago. I loved it. It's wonderful that you are swimming every day. I'll bet you'll be a super swimmer by the time you get back home. We LOVE you.

  3. Can't understand why my comments are not coming through......... Hope that this one does! I would so love to see that gorgeous smile. Miss you sooooooooooo much. Much love

  4. Congrats Sarah!!
    Did the tooth fairy come to Israel??
    We all miss you and are so happy you are having fun!
    Aunt Julie
