Our eyes were just opening to see the world. Never had I heard such a noisy group of geese ): To the show we went the flying show a BIRD show! It was amazing it was superb it was stunning. They let the birds fly in the sky but they did come back (most of them). They were letting one of the birds go called a falcon go fly and they could not get him back down to ground. We went on hike to a beautiful waterfall. Then we came back and fed the bunnies. Came home made a braai ate dinner and now I am blogging to you.
From your fan,
Sarah/ Squiggles (:
what is a braai? how was seeing your cousins?
ReplyDeleteI MISS YOU.
Amazing, superb and stunning!! What a show it must have been!! Did your cousins enjoy it too? Please send them our love and tell Georgie to send us a message as well!!
ReplyDeleteXXXXX and hugs for you all
Granny and Papa XXXXXXX
The bird show sounds awesome!!!! You never fail to surprise me, Sarah. Make sure you Mom keeps all of your blogs, because someday you're going to look back at these writings and be amazed that they were written by a 9 year old young lady. I certainly am YOUR fan. AND A BIG SHOUT OUT TO YOUR COUSINS!!!! I love you.
ReplyDeleteLove Grandma JOANIE
What's all this stuff about "a big shout out"? The last time I gave a big shout out was in a movie theater and they asked me to leave.
ReplyDeleteYour writing and ability to express yourself is really superb. However, it was to be expected. Your great, great, great cousin, Myrtle Shlepper, on your mother's side, was a noted chronicler of events during the Pelopenesian Wars, wherein the fate of the Dark Continent was forever decided.
She documented the savage struggle between the Speedy Birds and the ever hungry Pygmies that was finally decided on the Boston ice with a score of 3-2. After that decisive battle, Pygmies were no longer allowed to fly, becoming easy targets for the Dive Bombing Peacocks. I hope that explains it. Oh, yes. You are sooooo cute and I miss you soooo much.